What Not to Wear if you are a Window…Part Two

Every once in awhile I just have to shake my head.   What are people thinking?   Case in point is this window treatment which was posted online for a forum in which I participate.  Kendall Carter, who snapped the picture, shared this insight:  “New custom window treatments … New and/or used a/c filters. What’s not to like? Attaches with tape, fits all sizes, great insulators, inexpensive…”  We all had a chuckle with this…..adding thoughts like, “…well at least their children are safe..no cords” and ” good repeat business…you have to change them every month :)”.

We all know there are other ways…  Next time you need some help with your windows, ask a window fashion certified professional.   You’ll get a much better look!


Air conditioning filters are placed in a grid on the inside of windows to keep out the sun.
New way to keep out the sun?