The spirit of Christmas is hiding from me….It’s December 2nd, and I’m rushing around decorating for people, but haven’t really got the spirit of Christmas yet. For the last few years, I’ve been a little low around this time of year. I lost some people who were important to me, and it is just not as fun as it used to be. I keep doing it because it is expected of me. I bring in all the decorations and I work my magic but the month just flies through in a blur and before I know it, Christmas is come and gone, and the spirit of Christmas really hasn’t come to me yet.

Designers and Decorators are called upon this time of year to decorate their clients homes…and if I do say so, we do a beautiful job. I went to a seminar years ago on holiday decorations, and someone in the audience made the comment to the designer making the table arrangement that their own home must be beautiful during the holidays. The designer laughed and said by the time he got around to decorating everyone’s home, he didn’t want to even look at it in his own home. I prayed to God I would never feel like that myself. I don’t want it to be just a job…I want to FEEL Christmas.

SO….how do we “feel” like it is Christmas? How do we keep the spirit of the season in tact year to year even as our life transitions into a different version of what we expected it to be? I think that is why we have a whole month to get ready….and today is only the first day!