When I was asked recently to do a short speech to a women’s group about decorating on a budget, I really had to think….I don’t like to decorate on a budget! Who does? No one I talked to really likes to decorate on a budget. Everyone surveyed agreed they have to decorate on a budget. Even people who hire us, have a set dollar amount they don’t want to exceed. But how to stay on budget?

The only answer is a little bit at a time. Start with the free things. Magnolia grows abundantly in the south, and can be harvested along with holly berries easily. I actually planted both in my yard at my current home, so I can get it easily. But when I was first starting out, I kept a shovel and a trash bag in the trunk of my car….always on the look out. Magnolia lasts for about 2-3 weeks before it starts turning brown, and after that, it can be spray painted gold and dusted with glitter…everything looks better with glitter on it during the holidays.
Whether we are starting new in our first home, or are a downsized couple married for several years, we can all use natural products, make our own ornaments, work with friends to help decorate our home and theirs…and be creative to stay on budget.
The point is that every year you can add something else. Start with the garland and a pretty ribbon the first year. Next year add the magnolia and holly berries. The third year, add the ornaments, etc. While simple it is actually effective. Over the years, you’ll establish quite a collection. And you’ll still be on a budget.